The Bronx and city echoes
Our last day in NY was appropriately gloomy, being grey and drizzly. It echoed our mood.
We have had such an amazing time in the city (and the other places we visited), there was a tinge of sadness about our departure. We had a relaxed morning, packing and making sure all our devices were charged, documents in order and nothing left behind.
We started with a bit of whimsy – a walk-through waterfall with no apparent purpose other than to entertain (the statues nearby were fun too). It was then a stroll up Broadway to the Lincoln Centre for lunch and checking out that little corner of the city.
We jumped on an uptown subway to the Bronx, experienced its ‘Champs Elysee with grit’ (their words for the Grand Concourse!), visited the Bronx Museum of Art for a street art exhibition (Futura 2000) then finished the walk at Yankee Stadium, home of the NY baseball team. We found the Bronx’s vibe very different to Manhattan’s. There was more graffiti, many of the buildings were in need of some TLC and prices were a lot cheaper, reflecting the Bronx’s socio-economic state.
On a reflective note, we have been blown away by the friendliness of the New Yorkers: we have had street conversations about architecture and the housing process, waiters have been patient and educative, people have helped us with directions (whether we needed them or not!), we heard lots of “have a nice day”s and the vibe was very chilled (and not much road rage either).
We climbed the stairs to the elevated subway and returned to some of the places we visited on that freezing first day. Grand Central, NY Library, Bryant Park and finally Virgil’s, our first night’s dinner place. All quite a bit different in the warmth! Alistair also completed his goal of taking photos of different fire hydrants across four out of the five city boroughs.
It was then a ride out to JFK, accomplished like locals, with no fuss or concern about directions! After all our days in NYC, we felt we had got to know the place … and really loved it.